Privacy Policy
Free Trial
GuestSmart needs the following data in order to install a free trial account for you:
– Full Name
– Email
– Telephone
– Hotel Website
These information are needed so that we can communicate your codes and installation data to you, in order for you to review and try the application. Your hotel website is optional and is used from us for a small research before we communicate with you in order to be able to suggest the best possible solution for your hotel.
Online Booking Engine or Channel Manager price inquiry
The information that are being requested on the inquiry form for online booking engine or channel manager are used by us in order to search for the best possible price for you.
General data protection information
GuestSmart (Hotelist) will not sell or use your data for purposes other than what has been stated above. The data that you enter during the purchase of the application are used for installation and initial setup as well as the issuing of invoices and other legal documents. Your credit card details will not be stored in our system at any time. We will contact you via email of telephone to notify you about the progress of your applications and purchases.
By submitting any form on our website, you accept and consent to the above.
Right to be forgotten
You have the right to ask us to remove your data from our database, at any time. To do that, please send us an email to with your data so that we can track your account and delete your information from our system.